Discover Jewels
An empowering tale of endurance, survival,
and the discovery of an authentic existence.
Discover Jewels
An empowering tale of endurance, survival,
and the discovery of an authentic existence.
The Making
of a Woman
THE MAKING OF A WOMAN is the compelling autobiography of a dynamic female who refused to bow down to the circumstances of her birth. With a prevailing sense of self and survival, Jewels fought a hardscrabble war against the forces and people that populated her life in a way that often crushes others.

“Reach for the light, despite the darkness.”

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We’re all about turning pain into pleasure and we have a very inspirational story today from a woman who has done just that.
Tell Your Story Podcast
On this episode of the podcast, we have Jewels on speaking about her book The Making of A Woman, her journey of recovery and more.
Consenting Adults Podcast
Jewels is a woman who has lived two lives in one lifetime. The first part was a life of childhood abuse and trauma which grew into the full-blown disease of alcoholism. Jewels life was out of control and she was circling the drain. The second part is life today and how Jewels urgently worked through her past and now have a wonderful life as a result. But her story is not your average girl gets sober story. She didn’t just get sober. She created a life of truth and authenticity.
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Dallas, TX 75219-9998