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Please browse our list of GoodRead reviews for The Making of a Woman, currently available in hardcover, paperback and e-book via Amazon and Kindle.

Jewels and I share a common interest in health and fitness and a love for beautiful beaches and blue water. When I read Jewels’ story, I could not believe the strong confident women I connected with on social media had such a dreadful past filled with trauma, abuse, and addiction. As her story unraveled, what impressed me the most was how Jewels completely turned her life around. From hitting rock bottom to persevering and becoming a very successful and powerful woman. Jewels shows us how to embrace who we are, find happiness and live life true to ourselves. I recommend this book to anyone looking for an empowering story offering hope and inspiration. Jewels, I wish you continued success and look forward to following your story through your blogs and social media.

– Tracey Strickland

I normally do not enjoy reading, but once I laid my eyes onto this marvelous book I could not stop reading it. This book has helped

me understand the struggles many go through especially women, this couldn’t be written any better! I strongly recommend this book to anyone who is trying to find themselves.

– Victor

Could not put this book down. Inspired by Jewel’s incredible strength to get up and trust again and again—no matter how many times her reality showed her a bleak future.

– Eileen M. Moalli 

What struck me most about the book, is how one can take charge of their own destiny by building habits of success. The messages we send to ourselves matter. Having confidence in the person in the mirror is key. Jewels’ book is a riveting story of a woman empowered by her own sheer will & desire. The story about how Jewels met her hubby is magnificent, & points out the importance of acceptance & of genuine caring via communication. The Making of a Woman From the Inside Out is a must read.

    – Mike


    I’m now sitting in an even prettier anchorage but there’s no hum of the aircon here! Just the sound of sweat beads dropping down my body! hahahaha.

    The book is fantastic. I really enjoyed it on so many levels – it was educational, emotional, shocking, heart-warming, and the list goes on. I’m not sure if this review is helpful, but this is what came out:

    I found it difficult to read about the author’s early challenges and pain. For the first few chapters, I tried to read them with one eye open so that I couldn’t fully absorb the difficulties and setbacks. I didn’t want to empathize. I didn’t want to feel Jewel’s pain because I knew that pain too.

    As hard as it was, I carried on reading. I couldn’t help it. Throughout the book I cried, laughed and my heart filled with love and appreciation. My heart also found more room to expand and grow. The healing that Jewel’s experienced enabled me to heal too.

    The Making of a Woman is not a book – it’s an experience.

    I wish you the very best with your book launch and where this book takes you. I’m looking forward to the sequel in another 50 years.

    Big love,

    – Kim

    First of all, I couldn’t stop reading your story!!! Thank you for trusting me with your words, your history, your heart. I loved the arc, the process, your awareness and your willingness to run head first into vulnerability. This book will serve to save the many souls who wish to shift from never believing they are enough to finding their voice with power and authenticity. I am honored to have a chance to know you in this raw and intimate way. Sending you so much love, 
    Christine V. LCSW, CDWF – Clinician 

    “The book is fantastic. I really enjoyed it on so many levels – it was educational, emotional, shocking, heart-warming, and the list goes on. I’m not sure if this review is helpful, but this is what came out:“I found it difficult to read about the author’s early challenges and pain. For the first few chapters, I tried to read them with one eye open so that I couldn’t fully absorb the difficulties and setbacks. I didn’t want to empathize. I didn’t want to feel Jewel’s pain because I knew that pain too.As hard as it was, I carried on reading. I couldn’t help it. Throughout the book I cried, laughed and my heart filled with love and appreciation. My heart also found more room to expand and grow. The healing that Jewel’s experienced enabled me to heal too. The Making of a Woman is not a book – it’s an experience.” – Kim Love

    Author Jewels offers little biographical information for this, her debut publication – THE MAKING OF A WOMAN, adding ‘as told to Marlayna Glynn’ to her name as ’co-author.’ The significant aspect about Jewels is stated at book’s end where she offers the following: ‘I’m a woman who had lived two lives in one lifetime. The first part was a life of childhood abuse and trauma which grew into the full-blown disease of alcoholism. My life was out of control and I was circling the drain. The second part is life today and how I urgently worked through my past and now have a wonderful life as a result. But my story is not your average ‘girl gets sober’ story. I didn’t just get sober. I created a life of truth and authenticity. My story is about removing the expectations and the dogma of society and instead being guided by love and empathy.

    The quality of writing throughout this fascinating memoir is consistently honest and real. Marlayna Glynn has summarized the content well: ‘The Making of a Woman is an unexpected memoir exploring the path less traveled. Childhood abuse and trauma powered an alcoholism that would nearly defeat Jewels. Yet Jewels’ assures us that even when we lose those things that give shape to our soul–belonging, the need for touch, and safety in our own home–we can go on to devise a new way of being that surpasses our childhood haunts. Jewels was seven years old when her father attempted a family suicide, so her mother whisked her away to the arms and family of another man. Ruled by her mother’s delusional survival aspirations and the ignored evidence of her suffering at the hands of her new relatives, life became a daily struggle for survival for Jewels. But when the truth could no longer be hidden, the family split, leaving Jewels to navigate a new world not of her making. Deciding to use her earlier trauma to enter recovery, sexually liberate herself, and enter the competitive world of professional bodybuilding, Jewels created a life that inspires others to push forward no matter the details. In this uncommon ode to survival, Jewels creates a quite unexpected career from her truth-underscored by her complicated relationship with the allure of sexuality. Through a tangle of forgiveness and understanding emerges an elevated journey of the mechanisms for survival, of pain and joy, and of discovering that family is what you make of it.’

    After accompanying Jewels through her life the author reiterates the influence of Source (the primal being) as she closes her memoir: ‘When I got sober, my mom died. And shortly after I married Matt, my dad passed on. I don’t know if Source orchestrates our lives in this way, but as my guides completed their roles in my life, they were escorted to a better place. As I’ve said, we don’t choose our family. But sometimes we sure get lucky in who Source puts in our path, even if their roles end sooner than we would have wished.’

    Tender and enlightening, this book is a treasure for all who are challenged, especially women.”  – Grady Harp

    The Making of a Woman is an unflinching recounting of one ordinary woman’s extraordinary life. I don’t want to reveal too much as the story is best discovered on one’s own terms, but if you are looking for an inspirational story of never, ever, giving up in spite of breathtaking challenges — of clawing oneself out of situations that would bring many people to their knees — and then finding safety, peace and balance, this is the book for you. At the end of the day, it’s a heart-melting love story between a woman and her father, and then later in her life, between her and her soulmate, but one that takes you on completely unexpected twists and turns.”
    – Marta V

    Beautifully written account of a life well-lived after many trials and tribulations. A deep look inside the struggles of addiction and the power to overcome every adversity. Channeling her inner goddess and using her strength and compassion as a female dominant to embrace and accept others and bring out their authentic self.”  – Adrian K.

    This book is a moving testament to the pure power of womanhood. The circumstances of one’s childhood do not have to dictate the rest of one’s life, and Jewels has proven that in the most inspiring way.”  – Melissa W.

    Jewels’ memoir is as complex as the tensions it explores: freedom vs. foundation, trauma vs. healing, isolation vs. community, vanilla sexual norms vs. female-centered sexuality, the feminization of poverty vs the power of making it on your own.

    As a mom, I started the book wanting to put on my battle armor and fight every one of Jewels’ creeps, naysayers and abusers. But by the end I realized Jewels’ story is about inspiring others to use that resilient armor within to overcome challenge and then become the best version of themselves.

    If I could, I would thank Jewels for shining a light in the darkness so others can see better. She proves that the hand you’re dealt as a kid has no bearing on your self-worth, or the future of your pocketbook.”  – Kenlyn K.

    Jewels is stunningly beautiful. To see her from the outside is to marvel at her confidence, her mystery, her pencil-thin stilettos and exquisite attention to detail. She is the master of her domain. You would never, ever guess the trauma she had to overcome to possess the depth of wisdom she has to share. Her captivating memoir is an immersive experience. You see her world through her young eyes. You get to feel the heartbreak; the thoughts of someone spiraling with addiction; the devastatingly unfair hand that she was dealt. But you also get to experience the sheer joy of her awakening to sobriety and wild success in every aspect of her life. Jewels shows us what inner strength and beauty really means. Her gift to all of us is her story of survival.  – Kenna K.

    I felt myself take this journey with Jewels. I felt scared with her and happy for her. I felt myself calling out to her not to give up and that she was not alone. I also felt powerful and alive.

    Jewels shares a beautifully raw portrayal of her journey. She uses no excuses and owns her choices. She shares her journey to find out who she is and who she wants to be. She learns to tell people what she wants and needs without apology.

    She’s an amazing woman and I’m so thankful to have read it. I would strongly recommend sharing in this amazing journey and asking yourself if you are on the right path for you.  – Rachel Rich

    To learn the story of Jewels is to meet and love a formidable warrior. She narrates a defining tale that will forever take away any excuse one might have to give up and go quietly into that good night. While there are many survival memoirs on the market (and I’ve read just about every one), trust me that there are no stories quite like this one.

    Jewels didn’t take the path less traveled, she forged a new one for herself without regard for what the world told her she should do. I recommend this read for anyone who either doesn’t fit the mold, or just plain doesn’t want to. This author took every negative the world threw her way and used it to forge a new way of being

    Enough writing now. Go read this book!  – MG

    I was totally taken in by Jewels’ story. A beautifully written account of the struggles we face in addiction. Jewels brought me to recognize that we have the power to make it on our own. She has proven that in a very inspiring way! Loved every chapter and will definitely follow her story as it continues in real life through her blogs.  – Ren P.

    I became completely engrossed in this book. Page after page I experienced so many emotions alongside Jewels, cheering for her, crying for her, and smiling for her. She tells a story that is often difficult to absorb but she does it beautifully.  – Monica

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